‘WOW’ – Oaklands School World of Work Day

 In Education, News

This month the Business Education for Schools team (BES) alongside Pedro Phinn (Programme Manager – Digital Employment and Skills) headed out to Oaklands School in Tower Hamlets to deliver sessions for their Year 11 ‘World of Work Day’.

The day, headlined ‘Digital Futures’ aimed to help the young people find out about the skills in demand by employers for the workload of the future, particularly in an increasingly digital world. They began the day by plotting out their life map; the students were asked to draw a visual representation based on how they saw their life in 2, 5 and 10 years.

This served as a tool throughout the day as the young people were asked to consider how they could overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

The activities that followed were a fast paced introduction into topics such as, “Steps to getting a job”, “The Future of Retail” as well as assessment centres and teamwork activities.

In the final activity, the students took on the challenge of helping an online character ‘Sam’ get a job.

One student commented:

“This was so much fun. I have developed my interview skills and can now use the S.T.A.R technique.”

Thank you to Oaklands’ Year 11 for a FANTASTIC day!

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