The Parity Project: improving the employability of Young Black Men and providing access to sustainable career opportunities.
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The unemployment rate for young black men has remained persistently high at 30%, despite improvements in their educational attainment.
The Parity project seeks to improve the employability and employment outcomes of Young Black Men living in London. By utilising the skills and expertise of corporate volunteers, ELBA will deliver a range of interventions that support greater labour market engagement and participation among Young Black Men, and raise awareness of and vital access to sustainable career opportunities. We will be offering the young men corporate insight tours and visits, networking seminars and employability sessions with industry professionals. In addition we hope to provide beneficiaries with mentorship, work placements and shadowing schemes.
Research undertaken by Action for Race Equality (ARE, formerly known as Black Training and Enterprise Group (BTEG)) examined why young black men were faring less well in the labour market than other groups. The research found that:
- Young black men have a higher unemployment rate than young men and young women in all other ethnic groups. The unemployment rate for YBM in London actively seeking work is 30%, more than double the rate for young white men (14%).
- The unemployment rate for young black men has remained persistently high despite improvements in their educational attainment.
- Young black men have higher rates of post-16 education than white young men. However, spending longer in education is not leading to any reductions in the higher unemployment rates experienced by young black men. The unemployment rate for black graduates is more than double the unemployment rate for white graduates.
Are you a young black man from London? Are you interested in participating in the Parity project?

If you want more information or to register your interest, please call the employment team on 0207 068 6960 or email parity@elba-1.org.uk.
We are looking for participants to take part in the Parity project.
Are you:
- Aged between 18-30?
- Unemployed or underemployed?
- Wanting to improve your employability skills?
- Graduate or school leaver?
Apply now to join the Parity project, and you could benefit from:
- Corporate insight tours and visits
- Access to employment opportunities
- Networking seminars with industry professionals
- One to one mentorship
- Work placements and shadowing schemes
- Employability sessions, including CV surgeries and mock interviews.
Apply here:
Would you or your employees like to volunteer your time to help deliver the Parity project?

If you or your team are interested in volunteering some time to help us deliver the Parity project, please contact parity@elba-1.org.uk or call 020 7068 6960.
We are currently looking for and would kindly welcome any volunteers, to support the project. We would ask volunteers to help us in a capacity that is best suited to their skills whether it is to help run/support employability sessions, attend networking events or provide mentorship to these young men. If you are interested in supporting or have any queries please email parity@elba-1.org.uk.
We require volunteers to:
- Host insight tours
- Act as mentors or sponsors
- Host and attend networking sessions
- To provide work placements
- To provide shadowing opportunities
- To host and participate in employability workshops
This volunteering opportunity is open to anyone with a positive attitude, who is empathetic and willing to lend a helping hand.
If this sounds like you, please get in touch to make a difference today.