RPC employee volunteers supporting east London communities

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ELBA corporate partner RPC have been particularly busy in the community recently with a range of activities and support.

Patrick Brodie, a Senior Partner and top Employment Lawyer, gave an Employment Law whistle-stop tour to ELBA employees and community partner Centre for Osteopathic Research and Excellence CIC.

The well attended Employment Law session covered a variety of topics from advertising a role, to what constitutes an employer/employee relationship and flexible working. Attendees included hiring managers and those who work for ELBA’s not-for-profit recruitment arm, London Works.

Duncan Webster, Director at the Centre for Osteopathic Research and Excellence CIC, said: “the session was fascinating, revealing some of the complexities in the different types of staffing. It was particularly useful to us in trying to assign effective roles to the volunteer, contract and staff labour in our upcoming charity clinic, and gave us a lot to think about. Hopefully it will help us dodge some pitfalls in the coming months!”

RPC employees have also been exploring trustee roles in the community. ELBA delivered a well-attended Board Builders session with trusteeship interest from all levels across the firm.

RPC were also busy supporting Year 10 students at Chobham Academy, courtesy of a Work Skills day, with RPC volunteers spending time in the school helping build employability confidence.

Learning about their skillsets, the students and volunteers explored leadership styles and resilience, and asked many questions about apprenticeships into law.

RPC’s Lucy Williams said:

“It was great to see how enthusiastic and creative they were, especially in the role play! They certainly seemed interested in hearing all about our jobs and our career paths.”

The next activity lined up for RPC and ELBA is an ‘Employment Law surgery’ in November, designed to provide more intensive support to a few community organisations with pressing employment-themed challenges.

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