Student perspectives on why Mentoring Works

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Following the end of the Mentoring Works 2015/16 Year 10 programme, the team have been hearing from students about their experiences of the programme and how they feel it will help them in the future.

Students had a wide range of responses when asked what the most enjoyable aspect of the programme had been. Many enjoyed the exposure the programme gave them to the world of work; one student commented that the most enjoyable aspect was “learning about real experiences that surround the workplace” whilst another said they enjoyed “”learning new things and understanding the working world”.

For many students the opportunity to think about their future was the most enjoyable aspect. One student commented that they really enjoyed “talking about how to prepare yourself for when you’re out of school”, another chose “discussing the future and career goals” as the highlight of their programme. One student told us: “my mentor helped me to understand what we can do in the future”.

Many students also reported that they enjoyed some of the more employability focused outcomes the programme such as “I learnt how to act and what to say in an interview” and “I enjoyed writing my CV because I’ve learnt things about myself that I didn’t know.”

Students were also asked to describe the best thing about their mentors. Many students mentioned how approachable and engaging their mentors were, one student who had two mentors said “they were both really supportive and encouraging – it was really nice to talk about anything”. Another said “I was able to talk to her like I was talking to a friend and not someone I don’t know” whilst one commented “she was very friendly and open so I felt I could relate to her”. Students also valued their mentors’ knowledge and experience; one said “she was really kind and knew lots of things” whilst another said their mentor “had lots of knowledge of the working world that she was able to share with us”.

Have you benefitted from a mentor in the past or been a mentor yourself? We would love to hear your story. Please send your stories on either ‘how I know mentoring works’ or ‘message to my mentor’ to

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