ELBA ENABLE Project Communication Coaching 2023

Written by Sita Raj Rani Rathore, Employment Team Project Coordinator

ELBA and HSBC developed the communication coaching programme to create support around communication style bias, including accent bias, in the workplace. The programme aims to help participants develop the speaking skills required to increase their employability prospects or progress in their existing workplace.

The coachee receives support with confidence and resilience to achieve a specific communication goal or to overcome a communication challenge they may be facing.

Recent statistics below show the unsettling impact of accent bias in the workplace.

Overall in the Creative industry
Creative Access and FleishmanHillard UK Research found 77% of those in the Creative industries feel they must change their accents at work to be taken more seriously.

Progressing in the Creative industry
60% agreed they had to change their accents to progress their career, compared to 25% of the UK population.

Candidates are matched with a trained HSBC corporate volunteer who provides support and guidance over the course of eight weeks to help them achieve their communications goals. Currently, the sessions are virtual and have been a success. We are now in our 4th phase and are currently recruiting for our 5th phase starting in May 2023.

The feedback we have received has been brilliant and it is great to hear of the positive impact the programme has had from both the Coaches and Coachees:

“The communications coaching has been a real help. It made me look at the areas I need to improve in terms of my communication. The coach has been amazing and a fantastic support, giving me different things to work on after each session. It’s been a fantastic opportunity.”

– Coachee

“I feel that I am helping the coachee with their development and to achieve their personal and professional objectives. It has also given me confidence to consider coaching as a potential area of interest for the future. It is also very rewarding to feel like you are making a difference in someone’s life.”

– Coach

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