BoardMatch goes to Islington for our biggest event yet
Hosted for the first time in Islington by the BIG Alliance, Tuesday 26th February marked the sixth edition of the East London Business Alliance’s (ELBA) BoardMatch event, receiving our biggest attendance to date.
Thanks to the fantastic conference room space provided by Macquarie Group, BIG Alliance’s founding business partner, we were able to welcome 14 charities and a total of 124 employees over the two available evening sessions with 119 registering with at least one charity on the night. This is double the number of attendees from BoardMatch events from only two years ago reflecting a development in the event itself but also a real appetite from employees to provide longer-term support for, and from within, a charity which is meaningful to them.
Following a high level of interest received on the night, one charity said of the event:
“Thanks for the invitation to BoardMatch6. It felt really positive and created brilliant opportunities for us to connect with potential trustees who surpassed my expectations in terms of skills, interest and connection with our cause.”
Another said:
“It was extremely well organised and we were impressed by the number of people you were able to gather with an interest in a trustee role.”
The effectiveness of the event was also reflected in the attending employees’ feedback, with one saying:
“Thanks for organising such a great event last week. I’m definitely keen to attend other BoardMatch events in the future.”

BoardMatch is a BIG Alliance/East London Business Alliance facilitated event, which provides community partner organisations and prospective trustees from BIG Alliance/ELBA’s corporate partners with the opportunity to meet with one another and for prospective trustees to register an interest in joining the board of the community partner organisation. BIG Alliance/ELBA facilitate the resulting connections between the employees and their selected charities with the aim of ensuring as many interested employees as possible do go on to become trustees.
We endeavour to run three BoardMatch events each year with a different group of charities from Islington and East London at each event. For more information contact