ELBA is 30!

 In Blog, CEO's blog

ELBA was founded in 1989 – 2019 will be our 30th anniversary year and we will be celebrating the  achievements of our business and community partners from the last three decades throughout the year. We will be highlighting the good that business can do in the community and looking at some of the stories from the hundreds of thousands of business volunteers who have given back to east London.

But we will also be looking forward to the issues that face east London in the next thirty years and the role that business can play in addressing them by working with community and education partners. We will be focussing on a few themes and issues each quarter and will be featuring stories, news items and blogs as we go.

In the meantime, we would really like to hear from anyone who has been involved with ELBA over the last 30 years – as a volunteer, or as a corporate partner, possibly as a school or college student involved in our mentoring or careers programmes, or as apart of one of the hundreds of community organisations we have worked with. Send us your story via Twitter @OurELBA or email to elba30@elba-1.org.uk.

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