Kerry Peters-TaylorHead of Programme - The BIG Alliance

Describe yourself in three words:
Fun, empathetic and resilient.

What is your biggest achievement to date?
Personally, my gorgeous son; professionally, winning a Guinness World Record for ELBA!

Name your favourite place in east London and why:
Epping Forest (yes, it actually starts in east London!) Love spending time in the forest whilst walking the dog, it’s so calming and beautiful.

Tell us one thing that people may not know about you:
I lived in South Korea for a year in my twenties!

What would your super power be?
Stopping time. I would get so much done (and grab a nap).

Tell us the best thing about working for East London Business Alliance:
It is a cliche…but it’s the people. Everyone that works here is so smart, fun and passionate about the work we do. Really makes it feel less like work and more like spending time with friends. 

Complete this sentence ‘The absolute best thing about volunteering is…’:
Seeing the world through a different lens, speaking to people you wouldn’t normally, practicing skills you don’t at work. You come away with a new view.

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