Carolyn SimmondsBusiness Manager - London Works

Describe yourself in three words:
Positive, Gregarious, Straight-Talking

What is your biggest achievement to date?
Personally, becoming a mother. Workwise, taking my branch from the second to last in the company out of 72 to the top 5 in 1 year…and maintaining that for 8 plus years.

Name your favourite place in east London and why:
Byblos Restaurant – the food is great, the service is great and I am so proud that they have survived for more than 2 decades and throughout COVID.

Tell us one thing that people may not know about you:
I am totally blind!

What would your super power be?
Miss Love Doctor, to share love throughout the world and make sure that everybody felt it.

Tell us the best thing about working for East London Business Alliance:
The best thing about working for ELBA is being able to transform lives, improve job prospects for our beneficiaries and communities, working with my team to change mindsets around Diversity & Inclusion (D&I), and getting people to recognise their true potential.

Complete this sentence ‘The absolute best thing about volunteering is…’:
Feeling good about giving my time to help someone, something or somewhere!

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