Showcase marks 10 years of support and inspiration

 In Education, News

A decade of providing invaluable support and real-life experiences to thousands of young people was celebrated at a recent showcase event.

The Business Action Group for Schools (BAGS) event at Lister Community School took place on 25 January and marked 10 years of the programme, which has seen companies work closely with teachers and students in schemes such as mentoring, careers advice and supporting strategy.

These important schemes have proven to be essential tools for students that might otherwise not have had the opportunity to interact with such an audience, building their aspirations and preparing them for their later transition into the world of work.

At the event, representatives from business partners were joined by staff and pupils from three schools which form the newly-created Newham Community Schools Trust. Also at the event were members of the Education Works Team at ELBA and former BAGS Programme Project Managers. The event saw speeches from students from the three schools – Sarah Bonnell School, Lister Community School and Rokeby School. There were also talks from business leaders and the chance for guests to network and celebrate the success of the scheme, which has helped thousands of young people over the past decade. Karolina Szostak, Education Works Project Manager for the Business Action Groups for Schools said:

“The showcase was a very valuable event – it was a great way to say thank you to the amazing people that support us and reminds us why we are doing what we are doing. Furthermore it was a chance to check in with our stakeholders and check if what we do is good.”

At the event, Anthony Cockett, Managing Director of Citi Bank and Sarah Bonnell Business Action Group for Schools member, said the programme wouldn’t be as successful as it is without ELBA:

“ELBA is a catalyst that links two different worlds together: the schools and businesses.”
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