Inclusive toys for a very Merry Christmas

Written by Malaika Safder, Community Development Apprentice, ELBA

UK Disability History month is a chance to honour people with disabilities for all their accomplishments and achievements, as well as raise awareness for the need for inclusivity. A topic that is presented and celebrated within ELBA.

The importance of representation is key for children and young people throughout this month but more important is to have disabled role models they can look up to. To highlight someone we find inspirational who’s dedicated his life to supporting and encouraging young people to achieve their dreams is Alistair Patrick ( ). Alistair is a footballer who represented the GB team in the Paralympics in 2017. After suffering from a torn cruciate ligament and permanent brain damage, he did not let this stop him from continuing his football career and becoming a role model for children.

As well as representation though, catering for additional and sensory needs is vital. One way we are highlighting the importance of inclusion at ELBA is through one of our flagship programmes, the annual Toy appeal! The Toy Appeal is an annual event where ELBA works with over 80 community partners to distribute over 20,000 toys to children and families across Islington and East London.

ELBA works hard to ensure that the toys donated to the appeal are inclusive for all, regardless of any additional support needs they might have. There has been a high demand in particular for sensory toys, which can make a huge difference to children with autism, for example, helping to promote learning through exploration and curiosity.

Some examples of the toys donated so far include Pop Tubes- which anyone can use. They are designed especially for children with disabilities but are entertaining for everyone. Supporting occupational therapy and sensory development, these fidget box provides tactile stimulation and improves fine motor skills.

Another example of this could be a liquid sensory timer, particularly supportive for ADHD, autism, OCD, stress and anxiety sensory needs. This toy allows a child to destress, regulate their emotions and create a relaxing atmosphere.

And lastly, a flashing and light-up tambourine. Although it might be assumed that noise and flashing lights could be distressing, in fact, there is a playfulness and curiosity evoked by musical toys.

Sensory toys are very important and beneficial for children, as it helps build nerve connections within the developing brain’s neural pathways. This naturally leads to an inclination towards completing more complex learning tasks. It also supports language development, cognitive growth, motor skills, problem-solving skills and social interaction ( nerve%20 connections%20with in,solving%20skills%20and%20social%20 interaction).

If you would like to get involved in the ELBA Toy Appeal this year and donate an inclusive and sensory today, please get in touch or just pop by  Unit 1, Jubilee Place, Canary Wharf, E14 5NY (previously Awaken Gym), which will be accessible to the public from November 26 to December 16. Everyone is invited and welcome to come by to donate toys and assist those children to receive a gift and make their Christmas!

For more information please contact Smera Nadeem or 07703187747.

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