FCA volunteers teach elderly east Londoners the art of the tablet

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January saw the start of a collaboration between Newham New Deal Partnership (NNDP) and The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

NNDP’s @Online Club provides some of east London’s older residents with the opportunity to learn how to use tablets. Participants are invited to weekly sessions held at Stratford Library where an accredited teacher, supported by an enthusiastic team of volunteers from the FCA, takes them through the fundamentals of tablet use. The @Online Club is comprised of nine classes, each focusing on learning about a different feature of the tablet. The first two sessions of the course have been well attended with nine participants taking part in week one and eleven in week two.

Social isolation is an issue faced by many older people and the ability to use a tablet can greatly increase social inclusion. The @Online club provides both the means by which older people can improve their quality of life and also acts as a fantastic opportunity for many of the participants to get out of the house and meet new people. Volunteers from the FCA help to make the sessions an effective learning experience and great way to spend a Friday afternoon.

One of the participants on the day said, ‘it’s a thoroughly enjoyable session and a great way to learn with the support of corporate volunteers’.

If you are interested in arranging a similar opportunity or would like to volunteer, please contact Jonathan Tait at jonathan.tait@elba-1.org.uk

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