Zakariye Hussein: A Journey of Discovery and Success with Parity Project

Zakariye Hussein: A journey of discovery and success with Parity Project

Written by Abdale Ali, project Coordinator, Parity & Stepz

Last year, Zakariye Hussein joined the Parity Project seeking career guidance and direction. Despite his spirit for entrepreneurship, he found himself lost in the maze of career choices. However, his journey took a significant turn when he became a part of our community.

Zakariye participated in several networking events organised by the Parity Project. These events not only motivated him but also provided him with the opportunity to ask crucial questions about success and following one’s passion.

During one of these events, Zakariye expressed his passion for photography and his desire to explore it from an entrepreneurial perspective. Recognising his potential, we invited him to capture moments from our events to be used on social media. This not only provided him with practical experience but also helped him develop his skills and confidence.

Through our network, we connected Zakariye with other ELBA partners and with the manager of our Evolve Project, Ruth. Working with Ruth, Zakariye had the opportunity to showcase his talent by taking captivating photographs. His work was so impressive that he was asked to continue taking photos and develop a portfolio with ELBA and its partners.

Today, Zakariye has successfully transitioned from a candidate seeking direction to a skilled photographer with a promising future. We, at the Parity Project, are immensely proud of his journey and wish him all the best as he continues to explore this path to success.

Zakariye’s story is a testament to the power of mentorship, networking, and following one’s passion. We believe that with determination and the right support, anyone can turn their dreams into reality

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