‘Every Action Counts’ is ELBA’s response to the climate emergency, based on practical actions which mobilise expertise, resources and support from the business community to initiate and support a range of activities in the east London and Islington community.
Linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, ELBA’s response to the climate emergency is based on four pathways of action:
- Land & Carbon (Planting, Open Spaces, Habitat Maintenance)
- Plastic & Water (Ecobricks, Plastic Fishing, Clearing Waste)
- Education & Debate (School Debates, Business Challenges, Green Careers)
- Environmental Capacity & Resilience (Policies and Plans, Engagement, Capacity)
For more information, please contact Stanley Shepherd, Team Challenge Project Manager: stanley.shepherd@elba-1.org.uk
East London and Islington are densely populated and urban. They have households with the lowest incidence of gardens in London. However, they have many green spaces, including a large number of Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs). Our objective is to reduce carbon in the atmosphere, increase biodiversity and bolster community resilience.
Our approach to how we use plastic and handle plastic waste impacts waterways both locally and globally. The UN Sustainable Development Goals stress the importance of life below water, aiming to prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds by 2025. We have a range of practical activities that prevent plastic from entering the biosphere.
Young people and businesses alike are concerned about the climate crisis. Our education and corporate links put us in a perfect position to bring the two parties together. Our objective is to facilitate meaningful discourse between the two parties to promote collaborative and practical action.
Our objective is to harness the climate & ecology know-how of the experts from our business partners to help communities and local organisations build their environmental capacity. We can also use the expertise of business volunteers to give strategic support to local groups that have an environmental focus, helping them tackle challenges and continue the fantastic work they are doing.