Forida KhanomHR Manager

Describe yourself in three words:
Passionate, hard-working and energetic

What is your biggest achievement to date?
Being part of the growth of ELBA and having the opportunity to explore a range of roles within ELBA

Name your favourite place in east London and why:
Tower Hamlets, love the community spirit and lots lovely places to visit, eat and enjoy

Tell us one thing that people may not know about you:
This year (2024) marks 20 years at ELBA!

What would your super power be?
To have the power to put the world at peace and resolve all the problems

Tell us the best thing about working for East London Business Alliance:
ELBA family, working with a great mix of people. And being part of all the brilliant work ELBA does. #proudtobeelba

Complete this sentence ‘The absolute best thing about volunteering is…’:
…the great sense of achievement of giving back to the community

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