Volunteer profile – Anna Kelly, Global Market Operations Analyst at Barclays

Anna Kelly is Global Market Operations Analyst at Barclays. Inspired by seeing what can be achieved when we all pull together, as evidenced during the two years of covid lock downs and restrictions, Anna was keen to find a way to use her experience outside of her day job, and make a tangible difference within the community. Read on to hear about how volunteering has been a two way street for Anna, opening up doors and widening her horizons. 

Why do you volunteer?
The past two years have made it clear that so much more is made achievable when individuals come together to pool resources and help one another. That’s why I wanted to find an opportunity to utilise my experience outside of my day job and make a tangible difference within the community. Despite being in the early stages of my career in financial services, ELBA made it easy for me to partner with Luke Doherty, the Managing Director at Mindful Peak Performance (MPP). After a seamless matching process, I was able to channel my enthusiasm for meditation and mindfulness into a marketing strategy for his CIC (Community Interest Company), which is making a real impact in east London and beyond through its down-to-earth approach to performance and wellbeing.

Having experienced the transformative power of mindfulness first-hand, it feels fantastic to support Luke in his work with disadvantaged young people. MPP’s mission to change the image of mental wellbeing irrespective of upbringing could not be more pertinent in today’s climate and I’m incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to help further this goal in my capacity as a volunteer.

What have you gained from your volunteering experience?
My role in Barclays is great for exposure to the corporate world, but volunteering alongside a start-up is an altogether different experience. Seeing that your contribution is having a measurable impact on the business whilst working closely alongside the Managing Director is a rare opportunity for someone who is fresh out of university. The passion that Luke and his board possess for influencing the conversation around mental wellbeing is contagious and it’s given me a real desire to carry that entrepreneurial spirit over into my day job.

What’s more, learning from Luke has given me the confidence to start facilitating mindfulness sessions of my own at the bank, so there’s no doubt our partnership has been a two-way street, which has rewarded me far beyond what I could have initially hoped for!

Would you recommend volunteering to a colleague and, if so, why?
Absolutely! Volunteering has certainly widened my horizons, but you’ll never know what doors may open as a result of your efforts until you take that first step and sign up to help. Though you may not always have full autonomy over what lands on your desk during the working day, volunteering gives you the ability to choose a cause that really matters to you. So, I would say to never underestimate the potential for your personal interests to expedite your professional growth. There is almost certainly an organisation or individual that would benefit from your contribution and provide you with invaluable growth opportunities in return.

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