Supporting ELBA’s Toy Appeal – an insight from an employee volunteer

Name/Title/Company: Terry Line, Director Strategy and Planning, HSBC.

What does your job involve? Office based, head office role for UK large corporates.

Describe yourself in 5 words: Organised, friendly, open, helpful, volunteer.

Describe your organisation: An international bank.

Where did you volunteer? ELBA Toy Appeal via the HSBC get involved scheme.

Why did you choose to volunteer? To help a worthwile charity/cause. Team building.

How did you find your volunteer experience? Makes you appreciate what others haven’t got and now something we may take for granted, no matter how small, can make a big difference to other people, especially children. It was a fun day and we all should help out more often in the future.

Would you volunteer again next year? If so, how would you encourage your colleagues to get involved next year? I would love to volunteer again next year. I would tell my colleagues about what was involved and how enjoyable and worthwhile it was.

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