Staff Spotlight – Kita Berman van Heerden, Senior Project Manager

When did you join ELBA / BIG Alliance?
I joined ELBA in May 2022

What is your role and what does it involve?
I am currently working as the Community Manager on the Canada Water Connect project, which is a partnership project between ELBA and British Land, supporting a 53-acre development in Canada Water. As a Senior Project Manager within ELBA, I work in a bridging function between local community organisations, British Land and the wider supply chain companies involved in the project.  My role is about ensuring that communities and organisations in the area are consulted and benefit from the development. I support local residents groups, schools and colleges, community organisations and small enterprises by identifying their needs, potential investment opportunities, and support them to overcome any barriers enabling them on a more sustainable footing in the future. I have learnt a lot about the construction and property development industry, how communities and businesses are affected by and could benefit from new developments.

I am also the Comms Chair within ELBA, working with an amazing committee of colleagues. We are responsible for the monthly newsletter, profiling fortnightly volunteering opportunities and increasing our visibility on social media with exciting stories, videos and pictures of our great work at ELBA.

Three words to describe yourself
Ambitious, Empathetic, Fun

Tell us one thing that people may not know about you
I am in my penultimate year of a five-year part-time Masters in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. I spend one day a week working with children and adolescents in talking and play therapy and study during the evenings and weekends. I’m also born on a leap year so February this year is particularly exciting for me!

Tell us the best thing about working for ELBA
The best thing about working for ELBA is the dedication and passion to bringing about change in tackling issues on social mobility and community wellbeing. Although ELBA is not alone in this mission, the commitment to highlighting areas of need within the business sector, and using its position to bring a voice to those who are unable to, is extraordinary.

Name your favourite place in east London and why
God’s Own Junkyard in Waltham Forest is one of the coolest places I’ve been to. It’s an art store/gallery with lots of neon and lightbulb items, making you feeling like you’re in a retro but futuristic colourful land of possibility.

Complete this sentence ‘The absolute best thing about volunteering is…’,
That you are given the opportunity to interact with new people, to learn new skills and have new experiences. I always feel I’ve been pushed outside of my comfort zone and feel inspired and energised by the organisations we volunteer with. It feels like a real partnership based on local need and mutual respect, rather than trying to ‘do good’ but missing the true requirements of the community partners.

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