Staff Spotlight – Anya Rudolphy, Community Development Project Manager

When did you join ELBA?
I joined ELBA in January 2022.

What is your role and what does it involve?
I am a community development project manager on our Connect team. We organise skills-based volunteering activities that provide our east London community partners with an opportunity to utilise the business skills of volunteers to support and build the capacity of their organisation.

Three words to describe yourself: Observer, explorer, environmentalist.

Tell us one thing that people may not know about you:
I studied a masters in sustainability and climate policy from 2019-2021. I chose to focus research on the importance of community engagement and consultation to create sustainable communities in relation to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. A sense of place is what we all desire as humans – our homes and local area – as much as family and friends. This brings us together and builds our resilience. I believe this sense of place is what can encourage the most transformative action in response to human-induced climate change. The more we learn about impacts to our own homes and community, the greater the motivation to change our behaviours through sustainable development.

Tell us the best thing about working for ELBA:
While I have not been with the organisation a long time, I have felt very welcomed at ELBA and BIG Alliance. I think it is a great privilege to work for an organisation that provides an internal space and time for staff to think critically, discuss social issues and build our professional skills.

Name your favourite place in east London and why:
Coming from Australia, I am still gaining my bearings in east London. Newham is the borough I predominantly work in, all of our community partners have been very welcoming including Cody Dock and Stratford Advice Arcade.

Complete this sentence ‘The absolute best thing about volunteering is…’:
…the opportunity to learn and share with others, experience different perspectives and understand how resilient communities are.

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