KPMG – leading the way on the positive impact of business on the community

For this month’s CSR Profile, we’re shining the spotlight on KPMG, as told by Sophie Parkinson, Corporate Responsibility Assistant Manager.

Please provide a short outline of your current role and a brief description of any other relevant career experience:
I currently sit in the Corporate Responsibility team here at KPMG. My role is focused on managing outreach events with schools and getting KPMG colleagues volunteering with students through our education programme. This is my first role in Corporate Responsibility, but I have a background in working with young people!

Why is CSR important to your organisation?
We know that literacy, numeracy and essential skills are fundamental to young people’s future success. Yet, in the UK, approximately half the adult population have the maths ability of an 11 year-old and over 750,000 children do not have access to books. That’s why we are using our convening power to effect change across these key building blocks of social mobility, and ensuring there’s a diverse and empowered workforce of the future.
Numeracy: ‘A New Approach to Making the UK Numerate’
Literacy: ‘One in seven state primary schools does not have a designated library space’

We also know that our colleagues and our clients expect us to lead the way and role-model the positive impact businesses can have on the community. Our colleagues tell us that supporting our many Corporate Responsibility programmes gives them pride in KPMG and what we stand for. Last year, 41% of colleagues took part in our volunteering and fundraising programmes, providing over 75,000 hours to the community.

Which topics, themes or initiatives is your organisation currently focused on?
We lead community projects with purpose to strengthen our society, and work collaboratively with schools, charities, community groups and other businesses to ensure we create a lasting impact. Our key areas of focus are:

• Education and skills: improving educational and work opportunities for people from lower socio-economic backgrounds.
• Place-based engagement: working in social mobility cold spots and areas of high deprivation in the UK in collaboration with communities, colleagues, clients and local stakeholders.
• Strategic philanthropy, volunteering and pro bono: tackling disadvantage through strategic charity partnerships, funding and expertise.

Our relationship with ELBA is a key element of our Education and Skills outreach across east London. With ELBA, we are able to give students an insight into working life and help them develop the skills they will need to thrive.

What is the best part of your job?
When I get to go along to one of the events that I have organised and see first-hand the difference that our outreach activities are having – both on the outlook of our KPMG volunteers and the brilliant students they are working with!

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