Head Girl candidates get tips on how to get ahead at Sarah Bonnell

As part of our Business Action Groups for Schools programme, member schools can take part in a range of activities which support student development. At Sarah Bonnell School in Stratford, shortlisted candidates for Head Girl were given the opportunity to take part in a workshop led by HSBC’s Head of Communications, Rachel Snow. During the session, Rachel shared top tips for running a successful communications and engagement campaign with the students, helping them to develop their presentation and public speaking skills, and developing their initial head girl campaign plans and speeches.

Rachel has since shared her experience with us, along with some advice for the girls she supported.

“I met five eloquent, passionate young women – each one of you would make an outstanding head girl. Remember, as you put together your campaign, to think about what you value; what your school community values; work out what you should collectively do more of; what could stop; and what you could do differently to make Sarah Bonnell an even better school, helping the students make even more of the opportunities they have. 

By standing for election you are creating the democratic process. This is something very special and an act you should be proud of. It takes guts to stand in an election. Being a candidate puts you front and centre. It’s not always comfortable, but ultimately it is exhilarating and an experience you will treasure for the rest of your lives.

Finally, as you go through this process, remember there are only five people in the school who know what it feels like to be a candidate in an election. This is a shared bond. Work hard, be kind and ensure you – and all those working on your campaign – act with integrity. Because when you get to the end you want to look yourself in the eyes and know you did the best you could, in the best way you could. 

Have fun, enjoy the experience, you are all doing something amazing!”

To find out more about the Business Action Groups for Schools programme, currently delivered in 15 secondary schools across Newham and Waltham Forest, email educationworks@elba-1.org.uk.

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