Cooking up social impact with JP Morgan and Leaders in Community

Leaders in Community inspire and empower young people to take up leadership and management roles in decision-making structures within the east London community. The organisation was set up by and is completely run by local people.

cooking-social-impact-2The organisation uses creative projects to engage young people.  Developed by young people, Food for Thought runs throughout the year and allows young people and corporate volunteers to cook a meal together, helping participants to explore the issues which are important to them; to meet new people from different backgrounds and to develop core soft skills which will allow them to effectively engage with the wider community.

JP Morgan has been supporting Food for Thought for a year, with over 40 volunteers supporting more than 15 sessions and 40 beneficiaries.

More recently, ELBA successfully supported three JP Morgan volunteers to become trustees of the charity. The newly appointed trustees, all under 25, will support the organisation with its growth and and strategic direction.

Momtaz Ajid, CEO at Leaders in Community, says of the support:

“We are delighted to be running Food for thought classes with volunteers from JP Morgan.  Their passion and enthusiasm to support our young people should be applauded.  The young people respond really well to hearing individual stories and we have seen real benefits to the confidence of the young people that attend the classes.”

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