Celebrating Somali Success in Canary Wharf

ELBA, in partnership with the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, has developed a programme offering recruitment expertise for Somali graduates in Tower Hamlets.
As well as working with job brokers and recruitment consultants, the programme is improving the employability and confidence of our graduate cohort by working with corporate volunteers on core employability competencies.

This month, our graduates attended an event hosted by KPMG in Canary Wharf. With disciplines ranging from Chemical Engineering to Business Management, our graduates received a career coaching session from KPMG employees and were invited to network with professionals over lunch. The event was also attended by Cllr Motin Uz-Zaman, Cabinet Member for Work & Economic Growth, and Ian Parkes, Chief Executive, ELBA.

On behalf of KPMG, Forida Islam said of the event:

“KPMG was delighted to host a session of the ELBA Somali Graduates into Employment programme at our offices here in Canary Wharf. It was a great event and I know candidates and volunteers alike thoroughly enjoyed the day. It was evident that all of the candidates were determined, ambitious and eager to get the most out of the session. We were joined by enthusiastic volunteers from KPMG who were keen to impart their knowledge and own experience of their career journeys with candidates. The feedback from the volunteers on their conversations with candidates have been very positive. They were impressed with the passion and drive all candidates demonstrated.”

Meanwhile, feedback from candidates was also positive:

“I received very useful advice from professionals who excel in their fields, and the advice given was particularly useful since it helped me realise and hone in on the skills and experience I could provide to future employers. I was also delighted by the volunteers’ expertise and knowledge on career advice and the fact that they were very friendly and approachable. In addition, it was also a great honour to have met a local councillor at the event.”

“Thank you for this opportunity, it was very motivating and useful indeed.”

If you would like to register for the Somali Graduates into Employment programme, and meet the eligibility requirements*, please send your CV to employment@elba-1.org.uk with “Somali Graduates into Employment” in the subject title.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Of Somali heritage
  • Tower Hamlets resident
  • Graduated in or after 2010
  • Unemployed or underemployed
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