Building Careers via Broadgate Connect

ELBA’s Broadgate Connect project supports Hackney and Tower Hamlets residents into sustainable employment. This month we hear from one of our candidates about his journey into work via the project.

Abdul had been unemployed for over a year and was becoming disheartened with his search for a new role.  He had been out of work as a result of on-going health issues and sought the help of a government funded programme designed to improve the outcomes of individuals in his position.

“The constant applying, and rejections really tends to put you down and it really put me off getting back into work as I always had been anticipating the next rejection.”

Although Abdul benefited from the pastoral support offered by the previous programme, he was still unable to find an employer that understood the challenges faced by those living with long term health conditions and sympathetic to the flexibility needed to fully support them.

Abdul was referred to Broadgate Connect for support in identifying the right type of role for him. On joining he said;

“I’ve been on the working health programme for a year, and to be honest, I want to work for an organisation that I can progress in and also utilise my experience.  Having to take one day off for medical reasons is making that very difficult.”

Abdul made a great impression when he registered at ELBA, demonstrating his commitment, enthusiasm and reliability to Broadgate Connect Project Manager, Anthony.  As a result, he was put forward for an Admin Support role with ABM, based at Broadgate. He interviewed extremely well and was offered the role immediately.

“I am very grateful that ABM has given me a chance, allowing me to work around my medical commitments. I am super excited and hats off to Anthony for leading me in a positive direction before landing the perfect role to get my career rolling again, ELBA is a great organisation and I am chuffed to be working at Broadgate.”

His current manager, Andy Pickhall, Operations Manager, ABM, is particularly pleased with his progress and is very happy to have him as part of the team.

If you are a Hackney or Tower Hamlets resident keen to secure sustainable entry level employment, please get in touch with Broadgate Connect Project Manager:

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