AXA XL – acting responsibly to move the world forward

For this month’s CSR Profile, we’re shining the spotlight on AXA XL, as told by Louis Salter, Sustainability Coordinator at AXA.

Please provide a short outline of your current role and a brief description of any other relevant career experience:
AXA XL is the leading provider of Property & Casualty insurance and reinsurance to enterprises around the world. I’m part of the Sustainability team and joined in April 2022 after graduating from university. My role is mainly focused on two areas: first is colleague engagement; so managing our Green Committees and projects related to this topic. The second area is helping on projects focused on our carbon reduction strategy, for example digital sustainability.

Why is CSR important to your organisation?
AXA XL believes that acting responsibly is central to moving the world forward. Our approach to sustainability is the same as our approach to business; constantly seeking to provide innovative solutions to the world’s most complex problems.

Which topics, themes or initiatives is your organisation currently focused on?
This year, we launched our 2023-2026 Sustainability Strategy, ‘Roots of Resilience’, which focuses on protecting natural ecosystems, addressing climate change, and embedding sustainable practices across our operations. In total, we have 23 goals, including the launch of our Backyard Biodiversity program this year; to quantify the financial value of nature by 2026; to support our communities by investing USD $5 million globally, and to give 75,000 volunteering hours by 2026.

We collaborate with ELBA to provide fantastic opportunities for colleagues in our London office to volunteer in our local community. During AXA XL’s annual volunteering day, ‘Global Day of Giving’, ELBA assists colleagues in the London office to find opportunities for the day, such as helping in some of the lovely parks around our city!

You can find more information on AXA XL’s Sustainability Strategy here. It provides much greater detail into which topics we are focusing on in the coming years.

What is the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is having the opportunity to work on lots of different projects and the encouragement to take ownership of my own career path. I enjoy being challenged at work whilst also having a positive impact, and this role ticks that box.

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