Forget Me Not – supporting the elderly community to maintain positive mental health
In acknowledgment of Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK, 14-20 May 2018, ELBA took the opportunity to speak to one of our great community partners, the Forget Me Not Project, to hear about the great work they do around mental health and supporting the elderly community, not only during Mental Health Awareness Week, but all year round. Find out more about this organisation below:
Name/Title/Company: Madhumita Bose, manager of the Forget Me Not project
Describe your charity in a few sentences: The Forget Me Not Project is a weekly memory café that offers elders (some suffering with dementia) a place to socialise, take part in activities and receive a hot, nutritious meal. There are around 16 members of the group who otherwise are facing isolation and loneliness due to their personal circumstances. Regular activities include gardening sessions, arts and crafts, talks, and musical entertainment as well as trips out and about to give the group more confidence.
What does your organisation do around mental health? We provide lots of activities which stimulate mental health such as music therapy, painting colours, taichi exercises – these all has proven to improve mental well being. We also provide healthy , homemade refreshments which are also good for mental health. Needless to say the group have the opportunity every week to socialise with each other as well as our regular volunteers, ELBA’s volunteers (ongoing) which are a great plus for peoples’ mental well being
How do volunteers via ELBA help support this and what is the impact e.g recent events? Please include mention of the upcoming Dementia awareness event. ELBA helps a lot by bringing new volunteers and giving our members a chance to socialise with outsiders, thereby breaking their isolation, building self confidence and energising their minds. Volunteers via ELBA are also helping to run an event for Dementia Awareness week which we hope will engage lots of our regular guests and others as well.
What is your key message around mental health and its importance in your community? ‘Beat isolation and join in our club’. ‘Do not suffer alone, we are there to help YOU.’